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Writer's pictureLaura Van Horn

Sinus Congestion

Essential Oils to Help You Breathe Easy

As autumn settles in, summer allergies give way to head colds and sinus congestion. Dealing with nasal blockages and headaches can disrupt your daily routine and make restful sleep feel impossible. Luckily, essential oils can offer relief. While they are often used for emotional support, many oils also possess antimicrobial, decongestant, and expectorant properties that, when diffused or applied topically, can help open airways, clear mucus, and reduce inflammation.

In this blog, I’ll share some of my favorite essential oils for sinus congestion and respiratory relief, along with a couple of easy DIY recipes you can try at home.

Essential Oils for Respiratory Relief

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)

Peppermint, known for its menthol-rich aroma, is a congestion-fighting powerhouse that opens up airways, helps clear mucus, and even relieves headaches. Whether diffused or applied topically (diluted in a carrier oil), peppermint’s cooling properties provide quick relief for sinus pressure and pain. Best to avoid this oil with children under the age of 5.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus or dives)

Eucalyptus oil is a go-to remedy for respiratory issues. Eucalyptus globulus, with its high 1,8-cineole content, offers a strong camphor scent that opens airways, while Eucalyptus dives has a minty scent that can calm a spastic cough. Eucalyptus is commonly found in chest rubs, but you can easily make your own balm or add a few drops to a diffuser for relief. Use with caution if you have asthma or other chronic breathing conditions. It is best to avoid with children under 10.

Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Tea tree oil has a fresh, medicinal aroma that can be uplifting while clearing your airways. This oil is a must-have for its antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antihistaminic properties, making it ideal for diffusing for a variety of respiratory complaints. Tea tree oil can also help reduce chest and sinus congestion.

Lemon (Citrus limon)

Lemon oil, thanks to its rich d-limonene component, is not just for its bright, uplifting scent—its antimicrobial and immunostimulant properties make it excellent for purifying the air and clearing up congestion by breaking down mucus. Try diffusing lemon oil paired with peppermint or adding it to steam inhalation to breathe easier. Lemon essential oil can be phototoxic, so it is best to avoid topical of dilutions above 1%.

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Lavender may be known for its calming properties, but it is also a fabulous oil for sinus relief. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling in the nasal passages, allowing it breathing to be easier. The soothing aroma of lavender can also promote relaxation, helping you get better rest even when dealing with sinus discomfort.

Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus)

Rosemary has a woodsy, camphor-like scent, thanks to it being rich in 1,8-cineole rich. Rosemary, like eucalyptus, is ideal for respiratory support. It helps relieve sinus congestion by clearing airways and reducing inflammation. Diffuse rosemary or mix it with a carrier oil to create a massage blend for your chest and neck. Be cautious if you have epilepsy, high blood pressure, or are pregnant, and avoid use with children under 10.

Frankincense (Boswellia carterii or serrata)

Frankincense oil is renowned for its soothing and grounding properties. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and immunostimulant properties can help ease congestion and even help ease asthma. Frankincense can be combined with other oils like eucalyptus, tea tree, or peppermint for a stronger effect.

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)

Myrrh pairs well with frankincense to cool inflammation and support the respiratory system. Myrrh oil has the ability to break up and expel mucus. It is useful to calm and soothe painful coughs. It is recommended to avoid myrrh oil if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Black Spruce (Picea mariana)

As with many evergreen oils, black spruce is fantastic for opening the airways and relieving sinus congestion. If you have asthma or chronic respiratory conditions, consider replacing black spruce with Siberian fir for a gentler alternative.

Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana)

Cedarwood has delightfully quintessential woodsy aroma. This oil is an ideal oil for addressing respiratory complaints because it has antibacterial, decongestant, expectorant, and mucolytic properties to help relieve coughs and congestion. Great to blend with lavender and rosemary to make a chest rub.

DIY Recipes

Sinus Diffuser Recipe

If you or someone in your house is feeling congested, feeling the start of a tickle in the back of the throat, try this diffuser blend to cleanse the air and reduce the duration of your symptoms.


  • 4 drops lemon (Citrus limon) essential oil

  • 2 drops peppermint (Mentha x piperita) essential oil

  • 1 drop lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil


Following the instructions for your diffuser, add water and essential oils to the diffuser

Run the diffuser for 10 to 30 minutes

Breathe Easier Inhaler Recipe

If your congestion is leading to coughing and difficulty breathing, try this personal inhaler recipe.


  • 1 blank inhaler

  • 6 drops myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) essential oil

  • 4 drops frankincense (Boswellia spp.) essential oil

  • 4 drops lemon (Citrus limon) essential oil

  • 1 drop cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana) essential oil


Drop the essential oils onto the wick of the blank inhaler and place inside the inhaler

Snap on the end cap

Remove the cover to inhale, inhale as often as needed to open the airways

Sinus Roller Recipe

This roller can be used for congestion associated with head colds. Roll over the neck, upper chest, around the ears and temples, being sure to avoid the eyes. This is a 3% dilution, which is great for acute use, but if you would prefer a daily use option, or would like to use with younger kids, consider decreasing to a single drop of each essential oil. If you would like to use with kids under the age of 5, substitute the peppermint for an evergreen essential oil.


  • 10ml roller bottle

  • ~10ml carrier oil (apricot kernel, sweet almond, or jojoba, or a blend - optionally infuse the carrier oil with lemon balm, spearmint, or lavender)

  • 2 drops peppermint (Mentha x piperita) essential oil

  • 2 drops tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) essential oil

  • 2 drops lemon (Citrus limon) essential oil


Drop the essential oils into the roller bottle - if this is for children under the age of 5, substitute a conifer essential oil in place of the peppermint essential oil and reduce to 1 drop of each essential oil

Using a small funnel or a steady hand, pour carrier oil in up to the shoulder, leaving room to snap in the roller cap

Snap in the roller cap, shake gently, but well to disperse the essential oils evenly through the carrier oil

Roll over the neck, upper chest, around the ears and temples, being sure to avoid the eyes.

Sinus & Headache Balm Recipe

This sinus balm can be applied to your temples, neck, and sinuses for relief from sinus pressure, headaches, and congestion. This balm is 1.5% dilution, so it should only be used on the face as needed, for a short period of time, not on a daily basis. Be careful to avoid the eyes.


  • 0.5 oz (1 Tbsp) beeswax

  • 4 oz carrier oils (apricot kernel, sweet almond, or jojoba, or a blend - optionally infuse the carrier oil with lemon balm, spearmint, or lavender)

  • 18 drops black spruce (Picea mariana) essential oil

  • 12 drops frankincense (Bowellia carterii) essential oil

  • 3 drops lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil

  • 3 drops eucalyptus (Eucalyptus dives) essential oil


Melt the beeswax and carrier oils over medium-low heat in a double boiler

Remove from heat and let the mixture cool slightly before adding the essential oils

If using on children under the age of 10, consider substituting cedarwood in place of the eucalyptus

Stir well to fully disperse the essential oils thoroughly into the blend

Pour into jars or tins and let cool and solidify

Apply lightly to your temples, neck, or sinuses for congestion and headache relief. Be careful to avoid the eyes.

Sinus Congestion Chest Oil Recipe

If you do not have the time or energy to make a balm, a massage oil is the next best option. This chest oil is intended to be massaged onto the chest as you would a chest balm for relief from sinus pressure, headaches, and congestion. If this oil is for children under the age of 10, I would suggest substituting the rosemary and eucalyptus with lemon and tea tree essential oils. This is about a 3% dilution, intended for acute use.


  • 1 oz carrier oils (apricot kernel, sweet almond, or jojoba, or a blend - optionally infuse the carrier oil with lemon balm, spearmint, or lavender)

  • 4 drops frankincense (Bowellia serrata) essential oil

  • 4 drops cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana) essential oil

  • 3 drops rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) essential oil

  • 3 drops eucalyptus (Eucalyptus dives) essential oil


Add the essential oils to a one-ounce glass bottle

Top off with your preferred carrier oil

Cap and gently but thoroughly mix to disperse the essential oils evenly through the carrier oil

Massage onto the chest, neck and upper back as needed for chest congestion. If this oil is for children under the age of 10, I would suggest substituting the rosemary and eucalyptus with lemon and tea tree essential oils.

Final Thoughts

Essential oils can be a fabulous addition to your home apothecary. Whether you are diffusing them or applying them topically, they can help ease congestion, headaches, and other respiratory discomforts. However, if you have asthma or chronic respiratory issues, always use caution. Try a quick sniff test first—if you experience chest tightness, it's best to avoid that oil.

Remember to dilute oils before applying them to your skin and be especially careful around sensitive areas like your eyes and nose. With these precautions in mind, you can safely enjoy the benefits of essential oils and breathe easier!

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